The fastest way to find new customers for your business is to get your message in front of people who are actively searching for what you offer.
Advertising legend Fairfax Cone is credited with saying, “Advertising is what you do when you can’t go see somebody. That’s all it is.”
Every day- more and more people are turning to the web to find the products and services they want to purchase. You don’t have to offer your products for sale online for your business to benefit from those people who are searching the web for answers. Advertising on the web – even if you don’t sell on the web – is an incredibly effective way to find new customers for your business.
Successfully advertising your business online is very similar to successfully advertising your business offline. However, while you can’t always measure how effective your offline advertising is – online advertising allows you the opportunity to precisely track how many visitors saw your offer – and you can compare that figure with how many visitors actually made a purchase. No other form of advertisement offers that kind of precision measurement for your marketing message.
In what business owners need to know about online advertising, I stress that creating your online message requires that you tightly target your audience. The key to success is literally –
Once you know who your target customer is – whether it’s online advertising or offline advertising – you can then craft a compelling sales message and place that message where your target customers are.
Whether it’s email marketing, online advertising or traditional advertising – the fastest way to find new customers for your business is to begin by crafting a marketing message which targets your audience’s GDP (Goals, Desires, Problems). If you haven’t identified how your products or services help your customers solve a problem, quench a desire or achieve a goal – then finding out why your customers are buying from you should be the first order of business. Once you know why current customers are buying from you, you can then create marketing messages which highlight this. Then, whether you’re sending a direct mail piece, an email marketing message or even creating a television ad – you’ll find new customers are literally flocking to your business because you’ve talked about what’s important to THEM.
“Your company’s most valuable asset is how it is known to its customers.” Brian Tracy
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