Another prime local business search listing site where you should claim your free business listing is Yahoo. Yahoo! is one of the leading search engines in the US and attracts over 100 million visitors each month.
Like many local business search listing sites, if your business has a business phone and has maintained a listing in the yellow pages – then you probably already have a free local business search listing with Yahoo! Local.
Your free business listing on Yahoo! Local allows you to display your address, phone number, and web site URL.
You can also list your business in up to 5 categories. Yahoo! Local allows you to list products, services, brands and hours of operation with your free listing.
Like many free local business search listing sites – Yahoo! Local offers an upgraded “premium” service. The premium listing service allows you to get everything offered with a free “basic” listing, but you can add logos, photos and a tagline. You’ll also need to invest in the premium listing if you want to offer online coupons. The Yahoo! Local upgraded premium package also allows you to include a robust description of your products and services.
With over 100 milliion visitors per month, you’ll want to be sure to claim your free local business search listing at Yahoo! Local
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